As I asked in the following question:
Arabic number in Arabic text in Android
if I use the arabic locale ar-ae or ar-sa the numbers are shown using Hindu-Arabic numbers. I need to show the digits like in English: "1234567890".
I used to use the trick of setting the numeral extension
Locale.Builder builder = new Locale.Builder();
builder.setLocale(savedLocale).setExtension(Locale.UNICODE_LOCALE_EXTENSION, "nu-latn");
Locale locale =;
The problem is that after you do that the resource lookup gets broken and with Nougat it just does not work anymore.
Is there a way to see the "normal" digits even using the Arabic locale for ae and sa?
One workaround is to replace the font for the digit characters. You'll be able to keep your original font for the text.
I would recommend to do that in a clean way by extending TypeFaceSpan. Take a look at this question.
If you need some code, let me know and I'll update this answer.