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Web API controller in subfolder not being found with attribute routing

I have a controller in this folder structure:


The EventsController.cs contains this:

public class EventsController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View("~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml");

The WebApiConfig.cs contains this:

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
    // Web API configuration and services

    // Web API routes

        name: "DefaultApi",
        routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
        defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

When I run the site from Visual Studio and try to access I see nothing but this error:

    No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI ''.
    No type was found that matches the controller named 'event'.

If I comment out the config.Routes.MapHttpRoute line to make WebApiConfig.cs as the following, the URL above works:

public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
    // Web API configuration and services

    // Web API routes

    //  name: "DefaultApi",
    //  routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
    //  defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }

What am I doing wrong? What is it that causes the attribute routing to fail when the DefaultApi route is configured? I have tried placing it before/after the config.MapHttpAttributeRoutes(); and neither works.

As an aside, I have manually built up this project while reading the following article, which has the same structure of MVC/Web API project and which does work. I just can't figure out what I've done differently.


  • Thanks to @phil-cooper the answer was to inherit the correct base class in the api controller.