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Angular 2: emit from child component directly to the parent component's script file

I have a nested component that I wish to emit some data directly to the parents typescript file without going through the template. I can't use <child (childEvent)="parentFunc()"></child>

Is this possible? If so, how?

This is the current state of things.

parent.component.html (The element must be this)

<child #child> </child>


@ViewChild('child') public child;

public doSomething() {;

public doThisWhenChildEmits(someData) {
  //?????How do I call this function from child without going through the DOM
  alert(It worked)


@Output() private childEvent: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter()
public work() {
   // does some work that changes the child's template

public clickToSendBack(){
   // click event that sends back to parent.component directly????


  • If you do not want to use @Output you could use Subject instead:

    Your parent would subscribe to changes. In your parent, declare a Subject in component and in the constructor subscribe to changes:

    public static changesMade: Subject<any> = new Subject();
    //inside constructor the following
    ParentComponent.changesMade.subscribe(res => {
      //call your method here, with the res (someData) you receive from child

    and in your child:

    public clickToSendBack(){
       // send the data to parent

    Let me know if this helps! :)