I have a project based in Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework. The version of the Spring Web model-view-controller (MVC) framework is 3.2.8.
in my JSP
${fn:toUpperCase(<fmt:message key="${description.language.label}" />)}
but I got this error
weblogic.servlet.jsp.CompilationException: deviceInfo.jsp:118:61: Syntax error in expression. Encountered "<". Expected one of : <INTEGER_LITERAL>, <FLOATING_POINT_LITERAL>, <STRING_LITERAL>, "true", "false", "null", "(", ")", "!", "not", "empty", "-", <IDENTIFIER>,
${fn:toUpperCase(<fmt:message key="${description.language.label}" />)}
The <fmt:message>
tag inside a ${ }
expression doesn't work. You can set a temporary variable to contain the message output and use that inside the expression:
<c:set var="msg">
<fmt:message key="${description.language.label}" />