Search code examples

TypeError: string indices must be integers when trying to print a href

I'm trying to scrape the detail from inside the 25 links of this site:

'/company/08569390' is a href tag in the underlying html code so essentially i'm trying to concatentate the base_url (' and the text in the href so I can get my loop to traverse through the 25 pages.

The code I have (below) is giving me the message TypeError: string indices must be integers.

Would someone kindly explain to me where I'm going wrong here? Do I need to convert the contents of the href to an integer, even thought it also contains some text as well (/company/)?

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import csv
base_url = ''

'Accept-Encoding':'gzip, deflate, sdch, br',
'Cookie':'mdtp=y4Ts2Vvql5V9MMZNjqB9T+7S/vkQKPqjHHMIq5jk0J1l5l131dU0YXsq7Rr15GDyghKHrS/qcD2vdsMCVtzKByJEDZFI+roS6tN9FN5IS70q8PkCCBjgFPDZjlR1A3H9FJ/zCWXMNJbaXqF8MgqE+nhR3/lji+eK4mm/GP9b8oxlVdupo9KN9SKanxu/JFEyNXutjyN+BsxRztNem1Z+ExSQCojyxflI/tc70+bXAu3/ppdP7fIXixfEOAWezmOh3ywchn9DV7Af8wH45t8u4+Y=; mdtpdi=mdtpdi#f523cd04-e09e-48bc-9977-73f974d50cea#1484041095424_zXDAuNhEkKdpRUsfXt+/1g==; seen_cookie_message=yes; _ga=GA1.4.666959744.1484041122; _gat=1',
'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/56.0.2924.51 Safari/537.36'

session = requests.session()
url = ''
response = session.get(url, headers=header)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content,"lxml")  

rslt_table = soup.find("article")

for elem in rslt_table:
    det_url = base_url+elem['href']
    print det_url


  • soup.find("article") is not how you locate all those company tags, try to use find_all instead:

    base_url = ''
    companies = soup.find_all('a', {'title': 'View company'}) # to get all company <a> tags
    for company in companies:
        det_url = base_url+elem['href']
        print det_url