I am trying webcomponents in a sample app. Since some of the specs are not included in some browsers, i tried using polyfill for those. In Mozilla firefox, i tried by enabling the key dom.webcomponents.enabled and adding some polyfills (that are not in browser). I have used HTML Import polyfill from webcomponents.js polyfill.
Still HTMLImport is not working in firefox, internet explorer (even with polyfill). (https://github.com/webcomponents/webcomponentsjs)
I also tried customElements v1 polyfill, not working in internet explorer and firefox. (https://github.com/webcomponents/custom-elements)
Has anybody succeeded in including HTMLimports polyfill with customElements V1 polyfill?
To use, in Firefox, Custom Elements v1 with HTML Imports:
.You main page should look like this:
<script src="htmlimports.min.js"></script>
<script src="custom-elements.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="your-components.html">
NB: for step 3, you can also use document-register-element.
You cannot use Custom Elements v1 class
syntax with Internet Explorer directly because class
is not implemented. You'll need first to transform the source code with a transpiler like Babel.
Alternately, use a modern version (Edge), or use the prototype