I'm running M-TIP MP92 Test 01 Scenario 01. The objective of the test is:
"To ensure that the terminal terminates the transaction when the card indicates that it does not support Contactless - M/Chip".
What I don't understand, is how a card indicates this. My terminal as it is right now is processing beyond the Get Processing Options step, which results in a failure from my testing tool. I've looked through the data being exchanged between the card and the tool up to that point, but I don't understand where this is.
Select (2PAY.SYS.DDF01)
Request : 00 A4 04 00 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 00
Class :00
Ins :A4
P1 :04
P2 :00
Lc :0E
Data :32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
Application: 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
Le :00
Response: 6F 23 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 11 BF 0C 0E 61 0C 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 87 01 01 90 00
Data : 6F 23 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 11 BF 0C 0E 61 0C 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 87 01 01
Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
Tag 61 : Application Template
Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1
SW1 SW2 : 90 00 (SW_OK)
Select (Maestro)
Request : 00 A4 04 00 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 00
Class :00
Ins :A4
P1 :04
P2 :00
Lc :07
Data :A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
Application: Maestro
Le :00
Response: 6F 2F 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 A5 24 50 09 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32 BF 0C 16 5F 50 13 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32 90 00
Data : 6F 2F 84 07 A0 00 00 00 04 30 60 A5 24 50 09 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32 BF 0C 16 5F 50 13 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32
Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00 00 00 04 30 60
Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
Tag 50 : Application Label : 4D 50 39 32 20 76 32 20 32
Text value = MP92 v2 2
Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
Tag 5F 50: Issuer URL : 43 4F 4C 4C 49 53 5C 2A 2F 4D 50 39 32 5C 2A 2F 32 2E 32
Text value = COLLIS\*/MP92\*/2.2
SW1 SW2 : 90 00 (SW_OK)
Get Processing Options
Request : 80 A8 00 00 02 83 00 00
Class :80
Ins :A8
P1 :00
P2 :00
Lc :02
Data :83 00
Le :00
MCHIP Card Unique Key Derivation Results
PAN: 67 99 99 89 00 00 00 60 92 7F
PAN Sequence Number: 01
Cryptogram Version No.: 10
ICC Master Key AC: 9E 15 20 43 13 F7 31 8A CB 79 B9 0B D9 86 AD 29
Derived Card Unique Key: 9D A1 13 AD 92 46 DC 04 85 92 3B 86 94 08 DC DF
ICC Master Key SMC: CE 29 3B 8C C1 2A 97 73 79 EF 25 6D 76 10 94 92
Derived Card Unique Key: 68 62 A7 40 F8 3E FE 97 E5 04 0D FB 10 85 46 CE
ICC Master Key SMI: 46 64 94 2F E6 15 FB 02 E5 D5 7F 29 2A A2 B3 B6
Derived Card Unique Key: 10 C4 F7 DF 68 75 B0 E5 EF 80 C7 AB 3B 80 9B F8
ICC Master Key IDN: 94 C5 3B 6B 15 07 7F CB E5 40 7F 43 B5 AB FB 80
Derived Card Unique Key: AB 51 29 16 AE 08 1A 25 DF 76 D0 3E EC 9E 6B 40
Response: 77 16 82 02 19 00 94 10 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00 90 00
Data : 77 16 82 02 19 00 94 10 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00
Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2
Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [M/Chip, PayPass] : 19 00
Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer authentication is supported using GENERATE AC command
bit 2 = 0 On device cardholder verification is NOT supported
bit 1 = 1 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Only Mag Stripe profile supported [PayPass]
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 01 01 00 10 01 01 01 18 01 02 00 20 01 02 00
AFL (1) = 08 01 01 00
SFI (decimal) = 1
Start record = 1
End record = 1
Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
AFL (2) = 10 01 01 01
SFI (decimal) = 2
Start record = 1
End record = 1
Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
AFL (3) = 18 01 02 00
SFI (decimal) = 3
Start record = 1
End record = 2
Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
AFL (4) = 20 01 02 00
SFI (decimal) = 4
Start record = 1
End record = 2
Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
SW1 SW2 : 90 00 (SW_OK)
This Card Profile MP 92 due to AIP tag 0x82 Byte 2 Bit 8 - EMV Contactless NOT supported (i.e. Only Mag Stripe profile supported [PayPass] in your traces).
According to MasterCard rules, M/Chip Contactless-Magstripe should not be supported for Maestro cards in Europe.
This restriction should be indicated for Maestro Contactless RID/AID profile in Tag 0x9F1D Byte 3 Bit 8. Tag 0x9F1D Byte 3 should be 0x80 i.e Contactless-Mastripe not supported.
When you fix your Maestro terminal profile the Terminal Kernel should reject this Contactless card and ask to use Chip as expected by this test scenario.