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AIDL, Interface Callback, EventBus, Broadcast Receiver?

Am creating music player.There is a service to stream music in background For the activity to service and from service to activity which mechanism, i should use ? Now i am using green robot EventBus and AIDL. In EventBus which one is better ? My app works fine, but issue is that simultaneous multiple click causing ANR in app.

recyclerViewAdapterTwo = new RecyclerViewAdapterTwo(ActivityTwo.this, trackList, categoriesList, new MusicTracksRecyclerViewAdapterTwo.ViewHolderOnClickHandler() {
        public void onClick(int id, MusicTracksRecyclerViewAdapterTwo.VHItem vh) {
            EventBus.getDefault().post(new PostSongListChangeToService(songDataList, position));


  • EventBus, Interface callback both are good options. Don't use Broadcast Receivers for this.

    Now for the ANR, could you please share some code as where/how are you processing the events. Other then that try to pre-process most of the data in background thread and then jump to Main Thread only to actually play/pause/skip etc.

    PS: If you are using Handler to actually preform things on the MainThread, try not to post everything in one go, give your queue some time between msg/runnables to run. It may add a slight delay on button click but will not freeze your Activity/Service.

    you can refer to the Otto here :