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Bluemix ignores route information from manifest file

I am trying to to push an app to IBM Bluemix Cloud Foundry. The manifest file contains route information like here:

# The Python app starts here
- name: yourname-myapp
  memory: 256M
  command: python
  - route:

I tried it both with a Python and Node.js app. Bluemix seems to ignore the route information and only creates a route, not the expected Why?


  • Make sure that your installed cf CLI is up-to-date. Pushing an app with route information in the manifest.yml requires at least CLI version 6.21. See the changelog for version 6.21.

    Here is a sample app with routes including troubleshooting section, based on my tests.

    In general, to find out about deployment or runtime errors of your Bluemix app, you can take a look into the error log. The most recent log entries can be obtained like this:

    cf logs <application-name> --recent

    You can also do the following to get a verbose readout of the push in your terminal:

    CF_TRACE=true cf push yourname-myapp