I am using Twitter 4j to post tweet on single button. If user revoke access of my app then its showing Error in Logcat in do in background i want this error and if this error comes my another hide button of twitter authorize app visible. how do i do that please help. I need that error and if its exists i want to hide show my buttons.
class updateTwitterStatus extends AsyncTask<String, String, Void> {
protected void onPreExecute() {
protected Void doInBackground(String... args) {
String status = args[0];
try {
ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
String access_token = mSharedPreferences.getString(PREF_KEY_OAUTH_TOKEN, "");
String access_token_secret = mSharedPreferences.getString(PREF_KEY_OAUTH_SECRET, "");
AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(access_token, access_token_secret);
twitter4j.Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(builder.build()).getInstance(accessToken);
StatusUpdate statusUpdate = new StatusUpdate(status);
File extStore = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory("/Twitter/Cache/demo.jpg");
twitter4j.Status response = twitter.updateStatus(statusUpdate);
} catch (TwitterException e) {
Log.d("Failed to post!", e.getMessage());
error=e; //error is exception
return null;}
protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {
Toast.makeText(getContext(), "Posted to Twitter!"+error, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
/* i need a variable like int a =10; access it globally, How i do that/*
} } }
You can save the exception
in a variable and check it in onPostExecute
and hide your button ..
new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Boolean>() {
Exception error;
protected Boolean doInBackground(Void... params) {
try {
// do work
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
error = e;
return false;
protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) {
if (result) {
Toast.makeText(ctx, "Success!",
} else {
if (error != null) {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), error.getMessage(),
//error occurs hide button here