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my Backbone.View functions are undefined

I am extending Backbone.View and then calling its render function, but I get an "Uncaught TypeError: view.render is not a function"

code (running in document onload):

var view = Backbone.View.extend({
 id: "my-view",
 render: function() {
   console.log("in render, this =", this);
   this.el.innerHTML = "Hello";
   return this;
console.log("outside view, view =", view);

result in console:

outside view, view = function (){return r.apply(this,arguments)}
VM639:58 Uncaught TypeError: view.render is not a function

It looks like it is meant to be a constructor, but I tried making a new view() and then calling its functions and got a different error:

Uncaught TypeError: this._ensureElement is not a function
at e.View (backbone-min.js:1)   

I have looked for the answer to this elsewhere (Backbone View: function is undefined, Render a View of Backbone Model returns undefined), but the samples were complicated and I don't know how to apply the answer to my code. I have made a very simple example and hope that will encourage you to answer it even if my mistake is very basic.

Here is a jsfiddle:


  • You defined a view class that extends from Backbone.View. To create the instance of that class, you have to use new.

    var View = Backbone.View.extend({
        // this is your View Class
    var myView = new View(); // this is an instance of View, it has a render function