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PHP ZipArchive doesn't create a zip archive. What to fix in the code?

I have an .srt file located in the files/srt/username/ directory. I need to be able to download it in the browser, but to make this possible I have to zip the file first. I found the following code online:

function download_zip() {
    if (isset($_POST['download_srt'])) {
        $zip = new ZipArchive();
        $zip->open("files/srt/".$_SESSION['user_name']."/".$_POST['download_srt'].".zip", ZipArchive::CREATE);
        // output: files/srt/username/

        // output of $_POST['download_srt']:


The code is called when a submit button is pressed and the $_POST data are sent. The function works, but no ZIP file gets created in the same directory as the original srt file. No error messages appear.


  • You should provide the correct path to the file to add:
