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Mapping many-to-many relationship with attributes with JPA

Consider the following entity-relationship diagram

[PERSON] (*..N) ------ < is engaged into > ------ (*..N) [ACTIVITY]
                          /          \
                       hobby        duty

where [PERSON] and [ACTIVITY] are entities and <is engaged into> is a many-to-many relationship with attributes (flags) hobby and duty. The attributes are non-exclusive: both can be true or false independent of each other.

How would one map this ERD to the Java object model shown below using JPA (or Hibernate)?

class Person {
    Collection<Activity> hobbies;     // only activities where hobby=true
    Collection<Activity> duties;      // only activities where duty=true

class Activity{
    Collection<Person> aficionados;   // only people where hobby=true
    Collection<Person> professionals; // only people where duty=true


  • Really interesting case.

    I made it work for me on JPA 2.1 / Hibernate 5.1.

    Assuming that:

    • Id of Person entity = PERSON_ID
    • Id of Activity entity = ACTIVITY_ID
    • Name of linking table = PERSON_ACTIVITY

    Person entity:

    class Person {
        @WhereJoinTable(clause = "hobby = 1")
        Set<Activity>  hobbyActivities;
        @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        @WhereJoinTable(clause = "duty = 1")
        Set<Activity>  dutyActivities;

    Activity entity:

    class Activity{
        @WhereJoinTable(clause = "hobby = 1")
        Set<Person>  hobbyPeople;
        @ManyToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
        @WhereJoinTable(clause = "duty = 1")
        Set<Person>  dutyPeople;

    Key points:

    • The collection has to be explicitly a Set in all of the cases

    • One of the @ManyToMany sets in each entity has to be marked as lazy loaded

    • While doing some testing i found that i had to use DISTINCT a lot of times not to get repeating results (but that was only maybe my case).