I have a Packagist package for composer, lwilson/onepage, with one PHP file. The file has one class, which contains one function. I have installed the package on my Web server, and I have a PHP file which is supposed to use it. I know that the composer autoloader is included properly, since I could use other composer libraries installed on the server. I get the following result:
Fatal error: Class 'OnePage\OnePage' not found in /home/photox952/public_html/onepage/test_onepage.php on line 6
(the file that uses the class):
require '../../vendor/autoload.php';
use OnePage\OnePage;
(the file in the package):
namespace OnePage;
// This is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. More info at: https://github.com/LeoWilson-XnD/lwilson_onepage/blob/master/LICENSE
class OnePage{
public static function OnePage($cfg,$dir){
$tmplt_u = "<?php if(\$_REQUEST['type']==\"{TYPE}\"&&\$_REQUEST['src']==\"{SRC}\"){header(\"Content-Type: {CT}\"); ?>{DATA}<?php } ?>";
$tmplt_c = "<?php if(\$_REQUEST['all']==\"{TYPE}\"){header(\"Content-Type: {CT}\"); ?>{DATA}<?php } ?>";
$res = "<?php /* This code is generated by the OnePage tool. Find out more here: https://github.com/LeoWilson-XnD/lwilson_onepage */ ?>";
foreach($cfg['unique'] as $ka => $va){
foreach($cfg[$ka] as $kb => $vb){
$u = $tmplt_u;
foreach($cfg['combine'] as $ka => $va){
$ds = "";
foreach($cfg[$ka] as $kb => $vb){
$u = $tmplt_c;
foreach($cfg['links'] as $key => $val){
$res = str_replace($val,$key,$res);
return $res;
(the package's composer.json
"name": "lwilson/onepage",
"description": "This allows users to compile websites easily into one PHP file.",
"authors": [
"name": "Leo Wilson",
"email": "[email protected]",
"homepage": "https://xlww.net/",
"role": "Developer"
"minimum-stability": "stable",
"version": "v1.0.0",
"homepage": "https://github.com/LeoWilson-XnD/lwilson_onepage",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"": "/"
I apologize in advance if I'm missing something obvious.
I think you set the autoload wrong in composer. Try to create a folder named OnePage
and put the file with the class in it. It must be named OnePage.php
Then set autoload like this
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"OnePage\\": "OnePage"
then run composer update
from the shell. Then try running your php file again.
The OnePage.php
file should be in folder /home/photox952/public_html/onepage/OnePage