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PostSharp stackoverflow on aspect

Aspect class looks like this:

  using System;
  using System.Collections.Generic;
  using System.Linq;
  using System.Text;
  using System.Threading.Tasks;
  using System.Diagnostics;
  using PostSharp.Aspects;

  namespace GlobalExceptionHandler

class MyDebugger : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
    public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        Console.WriteLine("METHOD ENTRY: " + args.Method.Name + "(" + args.Arguments.GetArgument(0) + ")");
    public override void OnException(MethodExecutionArgs args)
        Console.WriteLine("Exception at: " + args.Method.Name + "()");
        args.FlowBehavior = FlowBehavior.Continue;


I am applying the aspect to mscorlib assembly to system namespace but excluding the console class which i thought was causing the stackoverflow on my aspect as it uses a Console.WriteLine to print the log.

[assembly: GlobalExceptionHandler.MyDebugger(AttributeTargetAssemblies = "mscorlib", AttributeTargetTypes = "System.Console", AttributeExclude = true, AttributePriority = 100000)]

[assembly: GlobalExceptionHandler.MyDebugger(AttributeTargetAssemblies = "mscorlib", AttributeTargetTypes = "System.*")]

And im still getting the stackoverflow exception


  • The expression in the aspect code where you add several strings using "+" is actually emitted as a call to String.Concat method by C# compiler. So you get this code in the OnEntry:

    Console.WriteLine(String.Concat("METHOD ENTRY: ", args.Method.Name, "(", args.Arguments.GetArgument(0), ")"));

    To avoid recursion you can exclude System.String class in the same way you did with System.Console. However, in general case it's better to add a thread-static flag to your aspect that will serve to stop recursive calls.

    class MyDebugger : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
        private static bool isLogging;
        public override void OnEntry( MethodExecutionArgs args )
            if ( isLogging ) return;
            isLogging = true;
            Console.WriteLine( "METHOD ENTRY: " + args.Method.Name + "(" + args.Arguments.GetArgument( 0 ) + ")" );
            isLogging = false;
        public override void OnException( MethodExecutionArgs args )
            if ( isLogging ) return;
            isLogging = true;
            Console.WriteLine( "Exception at: " + args.Method.Name + "()" );
            args.FlowBehavior = FlowBehavior.Continue;
            isLogging = false;