Search code examples

SQL apostrophe resulting in faulty description on a web crawler

I've been working on a web crawler. Let me describe the problem.

Let's say that web crawler reads the title as Stack Overflow when you put the url

Now, here's the faulty part, let's say that the meta description of the page is:

Jason's Stack Overflow is the largest online community for programmers to learn, share their knowledge, and advance their careers.

Whenever I run my crawler, as soon as it sees the apostrophe it stops and only crawls until Jason. So, the entire description appears as:


Here's the crawler's code. Tell me what's wrong, and hopefully how to fix it, because it's driving me insane. I'm missing something super small...

foreach($url as $k) {
$url = parse_url($k);
if(!isset($url['path'])) {
    $selectData = "SELECT * FROM web WHERE url = '$k'";
    if(mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($selectData)) === false) {
        $content = getUrl($k);
        preg_match('#<title>(.*)</title>#i', $content, $title);
        preg_match_all('/<img src=.([`^"\']+)/', $content, $img);
        preg_match('/<head>.+<meta name="description" content=.([`^"\']+)/is', $content, $description);
        preg_match('/<head>.+<meta name="author" content=.([`^"\']+)/is', $content, $author);
        #preg_match_all('/href=.([`^"\']+)/i', $content, $anchor);
        preg_match('/<body.*?>(.*?)<\/body>/is', $content, $body);
        if(!empty($title[1])  AND !empty($description[1]) || !empty($body[1])) {
            echo 'Titlu: '; @print_r($title[1]);
            echo "\n";
            $body_trim = trim(preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i",'',(strip_tags(@$body[0])))); $bodyContent = substr(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $body_trim), 0, 255);

            $description_trim = trim(preg_replace("/&#?[a-z0-9]+;/i",'',(strip_tags(@$description[1])))); $descContent = substr(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$description_trim), 0, 255);

            $bodyContent = str_replace('\'', '', $bodyContent);
            $descContent = str_replace('\'', '', $descContent);

            echo 'Description: '; @print_r($descContent);
            echo "\n";
            echo 'Author: '; @print_r($author[1]);
            echo "\n";
            echo 'URL: '; @print_r($k); $date = date("d M Y");
            echo "\n";
            echo "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
            $insertData = "INSERT INTO `web` (`url` ,  `title` ,  `description` ,  `body` ,  `author`, `date`) VALUES ('".$k."', '".@$title[1]."', '".@$descContent."', '".@$bodyContent."', '".@$author[1]."', '".$date."')";
            #echo $insertData;


  • You got exact SQL-Injection case, because you concatenate input values into SQL string

    ... VALUES ('".$k."', '".@$title[1]."'...

    Perhaps @$title[1] (or any other variable) has ' like: "It's SQL Injection" it will make SQL syntax error, because final SQL query string will look like

    VALUES ('something', 'It's SQL Injection', ...

    so actually you got SQL syntax error

    as @Bramar said - use prepared statement with parameters. It will guarantee you from real SQL Injections and will handle any SQL reserved characters inside your values properly