Search code examples

AngularJS model update reverting back to original

Click edit and then cancel. The text boxes do not go away. Click cancel again, they go away. Please tell me why this is happening. I am losing my mind over this.

Thanks is advance. :)

Here is the code:

function SmartTableController($scope) {

    $scope.sortFunc = function (keyname) {
        $scope.sortType = keyname;
        $scope.reverse = !$scope.reverse;

    $scope.editing = false;
    $scope.newField = {};

    $scope.editUsersTableFunc = function (user) {
        user.editing = true;
        $scope.newField = angular.copy(user);
        $scope.editing = $scope.usersTable.indexOf(user);       

    $scope.saveField = function (user) {
        user.editing = false;
        $scope.newField = angular.copy(user);
        $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] = $scope.newField;

    $scope.resetFunc = function (user) {
        //$scope.newField = angular.copy(user);
        user.editing = false;
        $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] = $scope.newField;
    var OnEventChangeFunc = function () {
        $scope.lastItem = $scope.currentPage * $scope.itemsDisplayedPerPage;
        $scope.firstItem = $scope.lastItem - $scope.itemsDisplayedPerPage + 1;
        $scope.lastItem = $scope.lastItem > $scope.totalRecords ? $scope.totalRecords : $scope.lastItem;
    $scope.itemsDisplayedPerPage = '5';
    $scope.currentPage = 1;

    $scope.$watch('itemsDisplayedPerPage', OnEventChangeFunc);
    $scope.$watch('currentPage', OnEventChangeFunc);

    $scope.usersTable =[{ firstName: "a", lastName: "b", emailId: "", country: "US" },
    { firstName: "a", lastName: "b", emailId: "", country: "US" },
    { firstName: "a", lastName: "b", emailId: "", country: "US" }];
    $scope.totalRecords = $scope.usersTable.length;



SmartTableController.$inject = ['$scope'];
angular.module('smartTable', ['angularUtils.directives.dirPagination']);
angular.module('smartTable').controller('SmartTableController', SmartTableController);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html ng-app="smartTable">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="dirPagination.js"></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="SmartTableController">
    <div class="form-inline">
        <label>Search : </label>
        <input type="search" ng-model="search" class="form-control" placeholder="Enter text to search" />
    <div st-table="usersTable">
        <table class="table table-striped">

                    <!--<th > First Name</th>-->
                        <a href="#" ng-click="sortFunc('firstName')">
                            First Name
                    <!--<th ng-click="sortType='lastName'"> Last Name</th>-->
                        <a href="#" ng-click="sortFunc('lastName')">
                            Last Name
                    <!--<th ng-click="sortType='emailId'"> Email Id</th>-->
                        <a href="#" ng-click="sortFunc('emailId')">
                            Email Id
                    <!--<th ng-click="sortType='country'"> Country</th>-->
                        <a href="#" ng-click="sortFunc('country')">
                <tr dir-paginate="user in usersTable | orderBy : sortType : reverse| filter : search | itemsPerPage : itemsDisplayedPerPage" current-page="currentPage">
                   {{$index + firstItem}}</td>
                        <input type="text" ng-if="user.editing" ng-model="user.firstName"/>
                        <span ng-if="!user.editing">{{user.firstName}}</span></td>
                        <input type="text" ng-if="user.editing" ng-model="user.lastName"/>
                        <span ng-if="!user.editing">{{user.lastName}}</span></td>
                        <input type="text" ng-if="user.editing" ng-model="user.emailId"/>
                        <span ng-if="!user.editing">{{user.emailId}}</span></td>
                        <input type="text" ng-if="user.editing" ng-model=""/>
                        <span ng-if="!user.editing">{{}}</span></
                    <td><input type="button" ng-if="!user.editing" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="editUsersTableFunc(user)" value="Edit"/>
                        <input type="submit" ng-if="user.editing" ng-click="saveField(user)" value="Save" class="btn btn-primary" />
                    <input type="submit" ng-if="user.editing" ng-click="resetFunc(user);" value="Cancel" class="btn btn-primary" /></td>


  • So here's what's going on:

    1) When you click on "Edit" button it triggers $scope.editUsersTableFunc(user). Here when you pass user as a parameter, you actually pass element of your $scope.usersTable. This is because of dir-paginate="user in usersTable" in index.html. So in editUsersTableFunc() function user equals to $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] or equals to {firstName: "a", lastName: "b", emailId: "", country: "US"} in other words. At first line in this function you write user.editing = true; and thereby now $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] = {firstName: "a", lastName: "b", emailId: "", country: "US", editing: true}. Note here is new property editing: true. At the next step you save THIS user in $scope.newField (copy it).

    Are you still following?=)

    2) Now when you click on "Cancel" button, $scope.resetFunc() triggers. You also pass user here. Which now has property editing: true (user.editing === true). Then you write user.editing = false. Yes, now inputs have to disappear...but! right after that you reassign your user via next line: $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] = $scope.newField;. Yep, and now again user.editing is equal to true (so it is shown), because $scope.newField contain user with property editing: true.

    3) When you click on "Cancel" second time, you pass new user as the parameter. You actually pass $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] and in the end of step 2) it became $scope.newField. So now when you write user.editing = false you do $scope.newField.editing = false. And it works.

    Hope you get it =)

    Here is my plunker example on how you can fix it. I only changed resetFunc:

    $scope.resetFunc = function (user) {
        $scope.newField.editing = false;
        $scope.usersTable[$scope.editing] = $scope.newField;