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What is the best way to Update/Add/Delete multiple records in the same form with CakePHP

I have this Topic table who is linked to the table Post with hasMany in the model.

This is my $this->request->data

[Topic] => Array
        [id] => 1
        [topic_title] => This is my topic

[Post] => Array
        [1] => Array
                [id] => 1
                [title] => Blah
                [message] => My message

        [2] => Array
                [id] => 2
                [title] => Second Blah
                [message] => Second My message



And I update it with :


But What if I also wanted to have the ability to add and delete posts to this topic, how would I proceed ?


  • Keeping the same structure, you could do a $this->Topic->saveAssociated($this->request->data); and it will add any new ('id' => NULL or unset) items in the data array.

    About the delete, the only case I know would delete at the same time, would be a HABTM when it's marked as 'unique' => true. Otherwise, you need to do a $this->Post->deleteAll(array('Post.topic_id' => $unwanted_topic_id), false);

    I could think of making a new array keeping the ones you want deleted and sending them as condition for the deleteAll function.