I am wondering how to normalize table like this:
text1 |txt2 | 1,2,5
other1|other2| 1,8,7
field1 will repeat many times , field2 is unique(won't repeat) , field 3 - users id. Something like favorites.
Give a primary key for this table and create a new one with field3+this key.
Master table (your original table after the modification)
field1 | field2 | fID
... | ... | 1
... | ... | 2
Favorites table:
fID | field3
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 5
2 | 1
... | ...
Selecting data
You can use JOIN or just a WHERE to get the results. Let's say
SELECT field3 FROM Favorites WHERE fID = 1
So if I'm not wrong your question is related to the master-details/parent-child pattern.