I am trying to import a CSV containing products in Prestashop and I get the following error: Duplicate entry '4294967295' for key 'PRIMARY'. The CSV doesn't contain a column with ID, but contains a column containing the products reference, which is unique for every product. On import, only the 1st row (1st product) gets inserted into the database.
I am using the "Use product reference as key" set to Yes when importing through the CSV Import. The reference codes look like this: A.VOO3211515113QDISCOVERERSTT, A.VXX32115156113SMA761OWL and so on.
Here is the SQL generated in the error:
INSERT INTO `psmo_product` (`id_shop_default`, `id_manufacturer`, `id_supplier`, `reference`, `supplier_reference`, `location`, `width`, `height`, `depth`, `weight`, `quantity_discount`, `ean13`, `upc`, `cache_is_pack`, `cache_has_attachments`, `is_virtual`, `id_category_default`, `id_tax_rules_group`, `on_sale`, `online_only`, `ecotax`, `minimal_quantity`, `price`, `wholesale_price`, `unity`, `unit_price_ratio`, `additional_shipping_cost`, `customizable`, `text_fields`, `uploadable_files`, `active`, `redirect_type`, `id_product_redirected`, `available_for_order`, `available_date`, `condition`, `show_price`, `indexed`, `visibility`, `cache_default_attribute`, `advanced_stock_management`, `date_add`, `date_upd`, `pack_stock_type`) VALUES ('1', '3', '0', 'A.IBR309515104QDMZ3RBT', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '', '', '0', '0', '0', '45', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '188.903', '0', '', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '', '0', '1', '0000-00-00', 'new', '1', '0', 'both', '0', '0', '2017-01-18 11:47:05', '2017-01-18 11:47:05', '3')
Your problem could be because of old remaining data in your psmo_product
table, or even a bad configured sequence product ID generator.
You should cleanup your catalog (if you can) and upload it again. I recommend you pscleaner
free module. If you will do this manually you must check psmo_product_shop
Good luck.