I need to run a long MySQL query which contains several UNIONs. Some subqueries are taking much time resulting a long run time. I have made indexes on tables but still it takes around 15 seconds to run. I need to reduce the run time to 1 second.
Here is the query:
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color, NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry,
NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material, NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, pi.prd_img_name
FROM products p
LEFT JOIN product_image_p pi ON p.prd_id = pi.prd_id
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, GROUP_CONCAT(decoration.dm_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_dm pdm ON pdm.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN decoration_method decoration ON decoration.dm_id = pdm.dm_id
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, GROUP_CONCAT(rush.rush_title SEPARATOR ', ') AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_rush_title prt ON prt.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN rush_title rush ON rush.rush_id = prt.rush_id
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material, NULL AS Pattern,
NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 19
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 10
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 18
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id IN (1, 13, 14)
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name) AS Themes,
NULL AS Material, NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 17
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name) AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 12
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name) AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 2
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name) AS Country_Origin, NULL AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 11
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
SELECT p.prd_id, NULL AS manu_name, NULL AS brand_name, NULL AS Categories, NULL AS Item_Color,
NULL AS Ink_Type, NULL AS Industry, NULL AS Size, NULL AS Decoration_Method, NULL AS Rush_Production, NULL AS Themes, NULL AS Material,
NULL AS Pattern, NULL AS Country_Origin, GROUP_CONCAT(ao.option_name) AS Ships_From, NULL AS prd_img_name
FROM products p
JOIN product_attributes pa ON pa.prd_id = p.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao ON ao.attr_opt_id = pa.attr_opt_id AND ao.attr_id = 8
WHERE p.is_deleted = 'no'
group by prd_id
The issue you are encountering is the repeated joining to the product attributes and product options and doing full queries and getting one record returned for each component you are looking for. Also, with all the parts that are coming from the options table, you could pre-query once for each product, then return each component as one record for the PRD_ID in question.
To help optimize that component I would strongly suggest (if not already there) the following indexes...
Table Index
product_attributes ( prd_id, attr_opt_id )
attributes_options ( attr_opt_id, attr_id, option_name )
products ( is_deleted, prd_id )
product_dm ( prd_id, dm_id )
decoration_method ( dm_id, dm_name )
product_rush_title ( prd_id, rush_id )
rush_title ( rush_id, rush_title )
The indexes will be "covering" indexes so the system does not have to go back to the raw data pages to prepare the results for most of it
Then, to get each of the parts as an internal pre-query do something like...
Since the decoration and rush content come from other tables, those too can be prequeried and summarized based on just the product ID and then left-joined
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 19
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Item_Color,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 10
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Ink_Type,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 18
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Industry,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 17
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Themes,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 12
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Material,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 2
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Pattern,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 11
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Country_Origin,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id = 8
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Ships_From,
GROUP_CONCAT( case when ao.attr_id IN ( 1, 13, 14 )
then ao.option_name else null end SEPARATOR ', ')
AS Size
products p2
JOIN product_attributes pa
ON p2.prd_id = pa.prd_id
JOIN attributes_options ao
ON pa.attr_opt_id = ao.attr_opt_id
p2.is_deleted = 'no'
group by
Then you can roll that entire query as a subquery into your primary query but use the simplified alias reference and each pre-group concat field result
NULL AS manu_name,
NULL AS brand_name,
NULL AS Categories,
products p
LEFT JOIN product_image_p pi
ON p.prd_id = pi.prd_id
ON p.prd_id = PreQuery.prd_id
( select
GROUP_CONCAT(decoration.dm_name SEPARATOR ', ') AS Decoration_Method
products p2
JOIN product_dm pdm
ON p2.prd_id = pdm.prd_id
JOIN decoration_method decoration ;
ON decoration.dm_id = pdm.dm_id
p2.is_deleted = 'no'
group by
p2.prd_id ) as tmpDeco
ON p.prd_id = tmpDeco.prd_id
( select
GROUP_CONCAT(rush.rush_title SEPARATOR ', ') AS Rush_Production
products p2
JOIN product_rush_title prt
ON p2.prd_id = prt.prd_id
JOIN rush_title rush
ON prt.rush_id = rush.rush_id
p2.is_deleted = 'no'
group by
p2.prd_id ) as tmpRush
ON p.prd_id = tmpRush.prd_id
p.is_deleted = 'no'
Hopefully you are able to see the simplified context of getting all common description elements originating from the same table at once, then joining when finished based on the single alias references.
I might have a type-o or two but think it is correct otherwise in context to your needs. You also did not have any stuff for the Manu_Name, Brand_Name, Category so you will have to finish that component.
Based on your latest, what I would do is add some fields to your product table to hold each of the fields. Then, create a trigger for insert/update/delete to the product attributes table when added for a product. When an impact, run just the simple sql-select group_concat() on the field in question and immediately update the main product table. Yes, this denormalizes to one extent, but completely simplifies your need to do the intensive queries and kill performance.
Take a look at my answer in this other stack question. I am creating such a similar trigger. This way, your primary table is already pre-aggregated and ready to go and the triggers should operate almost instantaneously since you would only be doing a single field for a single product.