I've been looking at grep a file, but show several surrounding lines?
I'm using a bash terminal, looking for a file which
Has both path
and redirect
on any one line
Has flash
on a nearby line, within five lines from the first
In this possible with grep, ag, Perl, sed or any tool you guys know of?
The easier filter is the one with "flash". It is also good to do it first, so that the more expensive pattern matching is done in the subset of matched files.
For this, just say:
grep -RH -C 5 "text" *
This will recursively (-R
) look for the pattern "text" and print the name of the file (-H
) when this happens. Also, it will print the surrounding 5 lines (-C 5
). Just change 5
with a variable if you want so.
Then it is time to use awk to check two patterns with:
awk '/pattern1/ && /pattern2/ {print FILENAME}' file
This is useful as awk is quite good on multiple patterns matching.
Since we do not have the filename but a stream on the form filename:flash
, etc, we can have a basic Bash loop to handle the result from grep
while IFS=":" read -r filename data;
awk -v f="$filename" '/path/ && /redirect/ {print f}' <<< "$data"
done < <(grep -RH -C5 "text" *)