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Nativescript + Angular2 Create image programmatically and share

I need an example to create image programmatically:

  • load an exisiting image res:// or ~/

  • draw a text to this image to x,y position

  • draw another image (res://) to this image to x,y position (maybe scaled)

and then share this image with this plugin:


  • There is a plugin called nativescript-bitmap-factory and it will do the job. Here is a sample code is written in TypeScript for a non-angular project (should be almost identical in an Angular project).

    import { EventData } from 'data/observable';
    import { Page } from 'ui/page';
    import { ImageSource, fromFile } from "image-source";
    import * as BitmapFactory from "nativescript-bitmap-factory";
    import * as SocialShare from "nativescript-social-share";
    var resultImage: ImageSource;
    export function navigatingTo(args: EventData) {
        var myImage = fromFile("~/images/cosmos.jpg");
        var bmp = BitmapFactory.asBitmap(myImage.toBase64String("jpg", 100));
        var myImage2 = fromFile("~/images/another.png");
        var bmp2 = BitmapFactory.asBitmap(myImage2.toBase64String("jpg", 100));
        bmp.dispose(() => {
            // write to x 100 and y 100 in blue color and with 48 font-size (can provide font as well)
            bmp.writeText("TEST!", "100,100", {
                color: '#0000ff',
                size: 48
            //crop bmp2
            var tmpBmp = bmp2.crop( {x:128,y:0}, {width:128, height:128} );
            //insert cropped bmp2 to bmp
            bmp.insert(tmpBmp, "25,50");
            // ... and as ImageSource
            var resultImage = bmp.toImageSource();

    More details about the plugin here and the full working example here