I'm very new to using QGIS, what I have is a points shapefile and a polygon shapefile. I would like to select all the polygons which have at least one point in them. The problem I'm running into is how long this takes. I have 1 million points and about 320,000 polygons, so using spatial query takes far too long. I've heard that I'd need to write a python script with spatial indexing to get a feasibly quick result, but I have no idea how to approach this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What I've tried to cobble together from other stack overflow questions is:
pointProvider = self.pointLayer.dataProvider()
all_point = pointProvider.getFeatures()
delta = 0.1
for point in all_point:
searchRectangle = QgsRectangle(point.x() - delta, point.y() - delta, point.x() + delta, point.y() + delta)
candidateIDs = line_index.intesects(searchRectangle)
for candidateID in candidateIDs:
candFeature == rotateProvider.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest(candidateID)).next()
if candFeature.geometry().contains(point):
This throws up a NameError: name 'self' is not defined
I found an answer over on GIS Stack Exchange, which you can find here
The code I used was:
from qgis.core import *
import processing
layer1 = processing.getObject('MyPointsLayer')
layer2 = processing.getObject('MyPolygonsLayer')
index = QgsSpatialIndex() # Spatial index
for ft in layer1.getFeatures():
selection = [] # This list stores the features which contains at least one point
for feat in layer2.getFeatures():
inGeom = feat.geometry()
idsList = index.intersects(inGeom.boundingBox())
if idsList:
# Select all the polygon features which contains at least one point
layer2.setSelectedFeatures([k.id() for k in selection])