Given the following I am getting a segmentation fault and I am not sure if it is because I am testing against a pointer or other issue.
What is the correct way to test if the 4th character is a comma?
string is read from fifo abc,def,xyz
char in[BUFFER] = {'\0'};
if ((in_fl = open(*fifofile, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
while (read(in_fl, in, BUFFER)>0) {
void *doParseInput(char *inputread){
//copy string to use later....
char* theParsedString = calloc(strlen(inputread)+1, sizeof(char));
strcpy(theParsedString , inputread);
if (strcmp(theParsedString[3], ",") == 0){ //causes seg fault
I have also tried using the passed string directly, but also seg fault
if (strcmp(inputread[3], ",") == 0){ //causes seg fault
To pass a buffer to a function, don't use &
To compare the 4th character of a buffer (index == 3):
if (theParsedString[3] == ','){
(Notice the single-quotes, meaning Character-Value
, rather than the double-quotes, which would mean "String"