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Maven - How do I get the Castor plugin to trigger in the generate-sources phase?

I am mavenizing an ant project. One module includes XSD files that are used to generate source files using Castor. I have everything working if I run:

mvn castor:generate package

However I am not able to get it to run the generate goal for my plugin without specifying it on the command line. My plugin xml section is as follows:


I have tried a number of phase entries without any luck. Any idea what I am doing wrong here? I have tested this in Windows XP and Linux, using Maven 2 and 3. I have tried it with version 1.0 (which I must use) and 2.0 of the castor-maven-plugin.

Thanks Tim


  • The castor:generate goal is bound by default to the lifecycle phase generate-sources so you don't even have to bind it explicitly unless you want to bind it to another phase of course.

    Assuming your *.xsd are in the default directory src/main/castor, the following would thus be enough:


    And assuming you have a src/main/castor/ file, here is the output when invoking a phase posterior to the generate-sources phase:

    $ mvn package [INFO] Scanning for projects...
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Building Q4169367/ 1.0-SNAPSHOT
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] --- castor-maven-plugin:1.0:generate (default) @ Q4169367 ---
    [INFO] Processing /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow/Q4169367/src/main/castor/schema.xsd
    [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.4.3:resources (default-resources) @ Q4169367 ---
    [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
    [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow/Q4169367/src/main/resources
    [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) @ Q4169367 ---
    [INFO] Compiling 3 source files to /home/pascal/Projects/stackoverflow/Q4169367/target/classes

    In other words, the version 1.0 of the plugin gets triggered as expected (version 2.0 works too). Tested with Maven 3.0.

    If it doesn't for you, please provide a project allowing to reproduce and mention the goal you invoking.