How to change QTableWidget
header's font and its content margin and spacing?
I would like to make the font for "Column 0", "Column 1" smaller and have no spacing between the name of the columns and the header edge.
from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
columns = ['Column 0', 'Column 1', 'Column 2']
items = [['Row%s Col%s'%(row,col) for col in range(len(columns))] for row in range(100)]
view = QtGui.QTableWidget()
for row, item in enumerate(items):
for col, column_name in enumerate(item):
item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem("%s"%column_name)
view.setItem(row, col, item)
view.setRowHeight(row, 16)
I cannot find a way to erase the margins but i can suggest a temporary workaround.
You can try to resizeColumnsToContents()
before you fill the table with items
For the fonts you can try to do the next
afont = PyQt4.QtGui.QFont()
afont.setFamily("Arial Black")
If you want to see more families, you can always look at the available ones from QtDesigner.
The header items are nothing more than QTableWidgetItems. So all you have to do is get access to them and treat them as any QTableWidgetItem
The answear is almost same with the previous one though.