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How to unselect cell in a FireMonkey TStringgrid

Does anyone know how to unselect cell in a FireMonkey TStringgrid (in other words, i need to know which cell is selected and how to unselect)...?

We are using Delphi Berlin 10.1

Thanks in advance.


  • To get currently selected row, use Selected property. To get currently selected column, use ColumnIndex property. Row and column indices start at 0,

    To unselect you can choose to set Selected and ColumnIndex to f. ex. -1.

    Tested with this code:

    procedure TForm29.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
      SelRow, SelCol: integer;
      SelRow := StringGrid1.Selected;
      SelCol := StringGrid1.ColumnIndex;
      Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('SelRow: %d, SelCol: %d',[SelRow, SelCol]));
      StringGrid1.Selected := -1;
      StringGrid1.ColumnIndex := -1;
      SelRow := StringGrid1.Selected;
      SelCol := StringGrid1.ColumnIndex;
      Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('SelRow: %d, SelCol: %d',[SelRow, SelCol]));