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Where to hold common strftime strings like ("%d/%m/%Y")

In my app I find myself using stftime a lot, and mostly with 2 strings formats - ("%d/%m/%Y") and ("%H:%M")

Instead of writing the string each time, I want to store those strings in some global var or something, so I can define the format strings in just one place in my app.

What is the pythonic way of doing that? Should I use a global dict, a class, a function, or maybe something else?

Maybe like this?

class TimeFormats():
    def __init__(self): = "%d/%m/%Y"
        self.time = "%H:%M"

Or like this?

def hourFormat(item):
    return item.strftime("%H:%M")

Thanks for the help


  • You could create your own settings module, like django does.

    # locally customisable values go in here
    DATE_FORMAT = "%d/%m/%Y"
    TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M"
    # etc.
    # note this is Python code, so it's possible to derive default values by 
    # interrogating the external system, rather than just assigning names to constants.
    # you can also define short helper functions in here, though some would
    # insist that they should go in a separate module.
    # from moinuddin's answer
    def datetime_to_str(datetime_obj):
        return datetime_obj.strftime(DATE_FORMAT)


    from settings import DATE_FORMAT
    time.strftime( DATE_FORMAT, ...)


    import settings
    time.strftime( settings.DATE_FORMAT, ...)