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Create Purchase receipt from Purchase order through web service

We are trying to create a PO receipt document that is linked to a PO document. Below is the code, but after submitting the selection of PO lines, the webservice not returning any results. Later it gives an execution time out exception.

        apitest.Screen context = BuisnessLogicACU.context;
        PO302000Content PORcptSchema;
            PORcptSchema = context.PO302000GetSchema();
            PORcptSchema = context.PO302000GetSchema();
        PORcptSchema.Actions.AddPOOrderLine2.Commit = true;
            AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Document = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[]
                 new Value
                    Value = BPCode,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.Vendor,
                    Commit = true
                 new Value
                    Value = BPRefNbr ,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.VendorRef
                 new Value
                    Value = PostDate.HasValue ? ((DateTime)PostDate.Value).ToLongDateString() : "",
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.Date
                 new Value
                    Value = DocDate.HasValue ? ((DateTime)DocDate.Value).ToLongDateString() : "",
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.Date
                 new Value
                    Value = Description,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.NoteText
                new Value
                    Value = "POS Doc " + DocNum,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.VendorRef


//set the dialog answer
            var dgAnswer = new Command[]
                        { new Value 
                                Value = "OK", 
                                LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.ServiceCommands.DialogAnswer, 
                                Commit = true 
            Document = Document.Concat(dgAnswer).ToArray();

 //select lines
            foreach (POReceiptLine line in POReceiptlines.OrderBy(x => x.LineNum))
                AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Docline = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[]
                    new Key
                        ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.ObjectName,
                        FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.FieldName,
                        Value = "='" + line.BaseDocNum + "'"
                    new Key
                        ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.ObjectName,
                        FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.FieldName,
                        Value = "='" + line.BaseLineNum + "'"
                    new Value 
                        Value = "True", 
                        LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected, 
                        Commit = true 
                Document = Document.Concat(Docline).ToArray();

  //Add PO line. 
            var addPOLine = new Command[]

                            ////get back the added lines in the grid
            Document = Document.Concat(addPOLine).ToArray();

            var receiptLines = context.PO302000Submit(Document);
//update quantity..
            //check CreateShipment() in webservice demo
            List<Command> commandList = new List<Command>();
            for (int index = 0; index < receiptLines.Length; index++)
                commandList.Add(new Value
                    Value = index.ToString(),
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentDetails.ServiceCommands.RowNumber

                POReceiptLine line = POReceiptlines.Where(x => x.BaseDocNum == receiptLines[index].DocumentDetails.POOrderNbr.Value && x.BaseLineNum.ToString() == receiptLines[index].DocumentDetails.POLineNbr.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (line != null)
                    commandList.Add(new Value
                        Value = line.Qty.ToString(),
                        LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentDetails.ReceiptQty,
                        Commit = index < receiptLines.Length - 1
                    throw new Exception("Matching POS Rcpt line not found.");

            AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] save = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] {
            Document = Document.Concat(save).ToArray();

            //SAVING And get the document nbr
            AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Output = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] {                 
            Document = Document.Concat(Output).ToArray();

           var POReceipt = context.PO302000Submit(Document)[0];

After this particular line, web service is not returning any results. Anyone can assist on this?

var receiptLines = context.PO302000Submit(Document);


  • @samol518's sample assisted me to resolve. I am posting the full code, if anyone later needs it

    the below code will add lines from PO, change quantity and save the PO receipt.

    public void createAcuPR()
            apitest.Screen context = BuisnessLogicACU.context;
            PO302000Content PORcptSchema;
                PORcptSchema = context.PO302000GetSchema();
                PORcptSchema = context.PO302000GetSchema();
            var addPOLineWithCommit = PORcptSchema.Actions.AddPOOrderLine;
            addPOLineWithCommit.Commit = true;
            //somehow if there is a second document then it goes to update mode
            context.PO302000Submit(new Command[] { PORcptSchema.Actions.Insert });
            AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Document = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[]
                 new Value
                    Value = BPCode,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.Vendor,
                    Commit = true
                 new Value
                    Value = BPRefNbr ,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.VendorRef
                 new Value
                    Value = PostDate.HasValue ? ((DateTime)PostDate.Value).ToLongDateString() : "",
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.Date
                 new Value
                    Value = "POS Doc " + DocNum + "-" + Description,
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentSummary.NoteText
            //set the dialog answer
            var dgAnswer = new Command[]
                        { new Value 
                                Value = "OK", 
                                LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.ServiceCommands.DialogAnswer, 
                                Commit = true 
            Document = Document.Concat(dgAnswer).ToArray();
            //select lines from smart panel
            foreach (POReceiptLine line in POReceiptlines.OrderBy(x => x.LineNum))
                AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] Docline = new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[]
                    new Key
                        ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.ObjectName,
                        FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.OrderNbr.FieldName,
                        Value = "='" + line.BaseDocNum + "'"
                    new Key
                        ObjectName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.ObjectName,
                        FieldName = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.LineNbr.FieldName,
                        Value = "='" + line.BaseLineNum + "'"
                    new Value 
                        Value = "True", 
                        LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.AddPurchaseOrderLine.Selected, 
                        Commit = true 
                Document = Document.Concat(Docline).ToArray();
            //Add PO line and retrive back the added lines.
            var addPOLine = new Command[]
                            ////get back the added lines in the grid
            Document = Document.Concat(addPOLine).ToArray();
            var receiptLines = context.PO302000Submit(Document);
            //update quantity..           
            List<Command> commandList = new List<Command>();
            for (int index = 0; index < receiptLines.Length; index++)
                commandList.Add(new Value
                    Value = index.ToString(),
                    LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentDetails.ServiceCommands.RowNumber
                POReceiptLine line = POReceiptlines.Where(x => x.BaseDocNum == receiptLines[index].DocumentDetails.POOrderNbr.Value && x.BaseLineNum.ToString() == receiptLines[index].DocumentDetails.POLineNbr.Value).FirstOrDefault();
                if (line != null)
                    commandList.Add(new Value
                        Value = line.Qty.ToString(),
                        LinkedCommand = PORcptSchema.DocumentDetails.ReceiptQty,
                        Commit = index < receiptLines.Length - 1
                    throw new Exception("Matching POS Rcpt line not found.");
                        //SAVING And get the document nbr
                       new AcumaticaInterface.apitest.Command[] {   
            var POReceipt = context.PO302000Submit(commandList.ToArray())[0];           