How do I cancel a transition in an onBefore? This snippet probably can illustrate my intention:
$transitions.onBefore({}, (trans) => {
console.log("before a transition");
//I want to broadcast an event here
//notifying inner components that it's about to switch state
//The event will contain the trans
//So I actually don't need to wait here, I just need to suspend the trans at this point.
//The inner component will respond by emitting and event.
//That event will contain approval status, and the trans object.
//My code can simply check the approval status; If false,
//it simply does nothing. Otherwise it will pick and resume the trans.
Figured it. This shows the idea.
First, have window.counter set to 0 in your boot.js / app.js..., and then in your controller's $onInit:
$transitions.onBefore({}, (trans) => {
if (window.counter == 0) {
this.$timeout(() =>, 2000);
window.counter += 1;
return false;
You will notice at first your transition is cancelled..., and after 2 seconds it is re-run.