Although I've worked a lot with VBA over the years, I'm finding my first opportunity to use it to connect to a MS SQL database and execute a number of different queries. This issue is about having the result set returned have named fields. Currently, and after some struggle with the parameters, I've gotten my query working. It executes a parameterized stored procedure that has one input and two output parameters.
Here is the sp:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspGetFamily]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@FormulaNum varchar(10),
@FamilyID bigint OUTPUT,
@FamilyName varchar(20) OUTPUT
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
-- Insert statements for procedure here
SELECT @FamilyID = v.FamilyID, @FamilyName = f.FamilyName FROM utblVariants as v
INNER JOIN dbo.utblFamilies as f
ON v.FamilyID = f.FamilyID
WHERE v.FormulaNo = @FormulaNum
SELECT @FamilyID, @FamilyName
And here is the relevant part of the VBA code:
'open the connection to the database
oConn.Open sConnString
'setup the command parameter including the sp parameters
With oCmd
.ActiveConnection = oConn
.CommandText = "BWDG.dbo.uspGetFamily"
.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
'Formul number input parameter
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@FormulaNum", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, Trim(txtFromFormula.Value))
'Formula Family ID returned as an output parameter
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@FamilyID", adBigInt, adParamOutput, , Null)
'Formula Family name returned as an output parameter
.Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@FamilyName", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 20, Null)
End With
'Get the resultset from the executed connection command
oRS.Open oCmd
'Set oRS = oConn.Execute(sExecString)
If Not (oRS.EOF And oRS.BOF) Then
'Parse the data to corresponding variables
iFromFamilyID = oRS(0)
sFromFamily = oRS(1)
lblFromFamily.Caption = sFromFamily
End If
I would like the items in the result set oRS to return with the fields named. Currently the names of the fields are empty. Field Names in the result set
This code will get reused (I'm just performing development testing currently) and I would like it to be more intuitive, not only for me, but for others who may end up maintaining this.
So, the question, is there a way to have the result set populated so the fields are named and thereby allow the item references to be the names instead of index number?
You have out
parameters... why do you need to select
them and return them in a recordset at all?
Dim familyId As ADODB.Parameter
Dim familyName As ADODB.Parameter
With cmd
Set familyId = .CreateParameter("@FamilyID", adBigInt, adParamOutput, , Null)
.Paramters.Append familyId
Set familyName = .CreateParameter("@FamilyName", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 20, Null)
.Parameters.Append familyName
End With
And then you can retrieve the out parameter values right there:
lblFromFamily.Caption = familyName.Value
No recordset needs to get involved.
Alternatively, if you want to select the results and return a Recordset
, you can do that - but then, drop the out
In that case you'll need to alias your columns, as was already mentioned in comments.
SELECT @FamilyID FamilyID, @FamilyName FamilyName
(the As
keyword can be included, optionally, if you prefer that)
And then you can retrieve the fields by name:
familyId = rs.Fields("FamilyID").Value
familyName = rs.Fields("FamilyName").Value
Or, using the equivalent shorthand "bang" notation (assuming column aliases are legal VBA identifiers):
familyId = rs!FamilyID
familyName = rs!FamilyName