My application is a tool library manager. It has a treeview containing a list of lists and tools. It also has a tableview showing a list of tools.
When I click on a list in the treeview, I want to show the tableview with the list of children. When I click on a single tool in the tree, I switch widgets and display the editform for the tool.
How do I limit the tableview to only the children of the selected node in the treeview?
My data model is a custom qAbstractItemModel.
I'm not sure if this is a complete answer to my own question but I'm much closer. On the tableview I can call setRootIndex() and pass in the current item from the qTreeView. This works to show only the children of the current tree item in the table list.
For me, it still shows both tools and child lists, which I want to filter, but I think that's a different issue.