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Cubism d3 dependency with requirejs

I am having difficulty declaring the cubism's dependency on d3, when using require.js.

Config is as:

  baseUrl: './',
  paths: {
    'jquery': './jquery-1.10.2.min',
    'd3': './d3.min',
    'cubism': './cubism.v1'
 shim: {
    cubism: {
        deps: ['d3']

The error I am getting is:

cubism.v1.js:187 Uncaught ReferenceError: d3 is not defined
at cubism.v1.js:187
at cubism.v1.js:1331

Please help find me where I did wrong?


  • Cubism is not loading as expected when using require.js in my case. I have a workaround to this issue where I change the requirejs config as:

    baseUrl: './',
    paths: {
        jquery: './jquery-1.10.2.min',
        d3: '',
        cubism_v1: './cubism.v1'
    shim: {
        cubism_v1: {
            deps: ['d3']

    And declare another module as:

    define('cubism', ['cubism_v1'], function (cubism) {
       return this.cubism; 

    Then I am able to use cubism in other places as required.

    requirejs(['jQuery', 'd3', 'cubism'], function (jQuery, d3, cubism) {
       // cubism related code here