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Not all services are registered in Consul with Registrator

I have Docker and Docker Compose on my machine and I have a docker-compose.yml file. Inside of this file I define two services like so

         context: ./nginx-proxy' 
     image: nginx-proxy
     container_name: nginx
         - 8181:80
         - consul-server
         - php

        context: ./php-apache
    image: php-apache
    container_name: php-apache
        - registrator


It is quite a big docker-compose.yml file, which also contains definitions of consul-server and registrator containers. At first glance, everything works good. When I run:

$ docker-compose up

I see that all my containers are running and I see no error messages. I can even check, that for example php container is indeed running (just going to localhost:8181, I see a nice html page rendered with this service). However, the problem is, this php service is not registered with Registrator. I check it like so:

$ curl

As a result, I get this:

{"consul-server-8500":[], "nginx-proxy-80":[]}

So, for some strange reason Registrator registered successfully nginx-proxy service, but skipped php service. I wonder why. I really need it, since based on this, I would create consul templates for nginx-proxy service. So, I need some help.


This is how I define consul and registrator services:

version: '2'
            context: ./consul-server
        hostname: ${MYHOST}
            - 8500:8500
            context: ./registrator
        container_name: registrator
        command: "consul://${MYHOST}:8500"
        hostname: ${MYHOST}
        network_mode: host
            - consul-server
            - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock

And this is how my registrator Dockerfile looks like:

FROM gliderlabs/registrator:latest
ENV SERVICE_ID=registrator
ENV SERVICE_NAME=registrator
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/registrator"]

Registrator log

Not sure, if it is important:

2017/01/17 11:52:52 Starting registrator v7 ...
2017/01/17 11:52:52 Using consul adapter: consul://
2017/01/17 11:52:52 Connecting to backend (0/0)
2017/01/17 11:52:52 consul: current leader
2017/01/17 11:52:52 Listening for Docker events ...
2017/01/17 11:52:52 Syncing services on 2 containers
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: c7251ebcbec4 no published ports
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8301 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8302 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8600 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8600 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8300 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8302 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8301 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 added: d22263dca979 consul
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: d22263dca979 port 8400 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: c7251ebcbec4 no published ports
2017/01/17 11:52:52 ignored: 74a190734619 port 80 not published on host
2017/01/17 11:52:53 added: bd9f65b332a5 nginx
2017/01/17 11:52:53 ignored: bd9f65b332a5 port 443 not published on host

As far as I can see Registrator ignores my php service (docker id=74a190734619). But I do not know how can I fix it.


  • According to logs registrator registers only those ports which published to your host. And it make sense. Consul is service discovery tool and there is no sense to register services which has no published ports.

    P.S. you can remove links from your docker-compose as you are using version 2 (links are deprecated and networks usage more preferable). It's not about your problem. Just advice.