I want to use the aubio module to extract pitch using python 3.5. However, the documentation is difficult to comprehend.
In example I have a numpy array:
import numpy
import math
for i in range(44100):
How to use aubio to extract an array containing the pitch of the array?
Here is an example (works python2.x and python3).
Note the changed sinewave generation.
#! /usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import aubio
for i in range(44100):
x[i]=np.sin(2. * np.pi * i * 225. / sample_rate)
# create pitch object
p = aubio.pitch("yin", samplerate = sample_rate)
# other examples:
# = aubio.pitch("yinfft", 4096, 512, 44100)
# = aubio.pitch("yin", 2048, 512, 44100)
# = aubio.pitch("mcomb", 4096, 512, 44100)
# = aubio.pitch("schmitt", samplerate = 44100, hop_size = 512, buf_size = 2048)
# pad end of input vector with zeros
pad_length = p.hop_size - x.shape[0] % p.hop_size
x_padded = np.pad(x, (0, pad_length), 'constant', constant_values=0)
# to reshape it in blocks of hop_size
x_padded = x_padded.reshape(-1, p.hop_size)
# input array should be of type aubio.float_type (defaults to float32)
x_padded = x_padded.astype(aubio.float_type)
for frame, i in zip(x_padded, range(len(x_padded))):
time_str = "%.3f" % (i * p.hop_size/float(sample_rate))
pitch_candidate = p(frame)[0]
print (time_str, "%.3f" % pitch_candidate)