I am totally new to Redis and relatively new to R. I need to do an assignment, where I first need to connect to a socket (it streams key-values for stocks).
I installed Redis in my mac using homebrew, and then the package rredis
in R.
Everytime I try to connect to local host I get the following error:
Warning message:
In .openConnection(host = host, port = port, nodelay = nodelay, :
Unable to set nodelay.
If I set nodelay = F
I get connected
Now, I am trying to connect to a specific socket (ip:, port:1337)
I get this
redisConnect(host = "", port = 1337)
Error: Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler):
Unknown message type
Warning message:
In .openConnection(host = host, port = port, nodelay = nodelay, :
Unable to set nodelay.
and if I try to set nodelay = F
> redisConnect(host = "", port = 1337, nodelay = F)
Error: Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler): Unknown message type
Warning messages:
1: closing unused connection 12 (->localhost:6379)
2: closing unused connection 11 (->localhost:6379)
3: closing unused connection 10 (->localhost:6379)
4: closing unused connection 9 (->localhost:6379)
Does anyone have anyidea what I do wrong? All guides/ tutorials that I have seen in the web have no problem in default settings of nodelay = T
ps: Please forgive my ignorance, or I there is anysimilar post, I didn't manage to find any.
For those interested the connection to socket is established like this
con <- socketConnection(host="", port = 1337, blocking=T,
server=FALSE, open="r+")
it has nothing to do with redis. Redis is listening to a local ip, while redisConnect
is used in order to connect to remote redis server.
Additional info can be found here.