#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define MAXSIZE 100
#define LEFT(X) (2*(X))
#define RIGHT(X) ((2*(X)) + 1)
#define Parent(X) ((X)/2)
void inputElements(int *arr ,int *size);
void printElements(int *arr , int size);
void max_heapify(int *arr , int index , int heap_size);
void build_max_heap(int *arr,int heap_size);
void heap_sort(int *arr , int heap_size);
int main(){
int arr[MAXSIZE] ;
int size = 0;
inputElements(arr , &size);
printElements(arr , size);
heap_sort(arr, size);
printf("Array after Heap Sort");
printElements(arr , size);
return 0 ;
void inputElements(int *arr ,int *size){
printf("Enter Size of Array(max %d)..\n" , MAXSIZE);
printf("Enter the array Elements..\n");
for(int i=0 ; i<(*size) ; i++){
scanf("%d" , (arr+i));
void printElements(int *arr , int size){
printf("Printing Array Elements..\n");
for(int i=0 ; i<size ; i++){
printf("%d\n" , arr[i]);
void build_max_heap(int *arr,int heap_size){
for(int i=((heap_size)/2) ; i>=0 ; i--){
max_heapify(arr , i , heap_size);
void max_heapify(int *arr , int index , int heap_size){
int l ,r , largest , temp;
l = LEFT(index);
r = RIGHT(index);
if ((l < heap_size) && (arr[l] > arr[index])) {
largest = l;
} else {
largest = index;
if ((r < heap_size) && (arr[r] > arr[index])) {
largest = r;
if (largest != index) {
temp = arr[index];
arr[index] = arr[largest];
arr[largest] = temp;
max_heapify(arr , largest , heap_size);
void heap_sort(int *arr , int heap_size){
int temp = -1 , i ;
for (i = (heap_size-1); i >= 1; i--) {
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[0];
arr[0] = temp;
heap_size = heap_size-1;
max_heapify(arr , 0 , heap_size);
The main function first asks for the size of the array, then the numbers to be sorted are stored in the array. The heap_sort function first calls the build_max_heap to convert the array into a heap, sorts the array.
When I am running the algorithm on a set of numbers say : 90 45 33 22 66 4
The Output after running the algorithm isL 4 45 22 33 66 90
Not able to track where the indexes are going wrong.
I believe your Left and right functions may have an off by one error. Left(0) should not be 0 (it should be 1), Right(0) should not be 1 (it should be 2). Left of 1 should not be 2 (it should be 3), right of 1 should not be 3 (it should be 4), ect – IdeaHat