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Google Analytics PHP API : goals not found

In my company we decided to use Google Analytics to get some intersting metrics about visitors, entrance channels etc ...

I created a goal which is "triggered" when a visitor submit the contact form, everything work perfectly well and I even created a segment to preview the difference between people who use the form and the others.

Using the PHP API, i have my own dashboard table giving me some details about each session, one by one, with :

  • every visited URL
  • date & time
  • if come from Adwords, then the keywords

Below a screenshot from my dashboard, with a visitor who went to my website thought the homepage (first row), then submit the contact form (second row).

My own datas table from GA PHP API

But.. i do not manage to link those datas with my goal ! I tried metrics like :

  • ga:goal1start
  • ga:goal1Completions
  • ga:goal1Value
  • ga:goal1ConversationRate


Whatever the metric I test (last column in my screnshot), the metric = 0 but I see completed goals in my Google Analytics dashboard for some of those sessions.

Is there something wrong ? Thanks for your help ;)

EDIT 01/10 - Below is my PHP code :

$optParams = array(
      'dimensions' => 'ga:dimension3, ga:pagePath, ga:date, ga:adMatchedQuery, ga:hour',
      'sort' => '-ga:date, -ga:hour',
      //'filters' => 'ga:medium==organic',
      'max-results' => '99999');

   return $analytics->data_ga->get(
       'ga:' . $profileId,
       'ga:pageviews, ga:goal2Completions ',

And this is one row from the result :

array(7) {
string(12) "John Cena" // ga:dimension3
string(32) "/financial-expertise.php" // ga:pagePath
string(8) "20170110" // ga:date
string(9) "(not set)" // ga:adMatchedQuery
string(2) "12" // ga:hour
string(1) "1" // ga:pageviews
string(1) "0" // ga:goal2Completions ??


As you would see, the key "6" is related to the "ga:goal2Completions" metrics and in the above array, I guess it should be at least "1" ?


  • OK after hours of research .. no solution. So I have edited my goal to be equal to an event and then change my report to extract event. That works. Thx for your help!