Working with OpenFlow
I want to compute how many pairs of flows satisfy the following condition (Given any two flows, for example f1
and f2
's Src ip
must be equal to f2
's Dst ip
's Dst ip
must be equal to f2
's Src ip
and f2
must have the same protocol.This I think would be a combination of two elements (NFlows Choose 2)
. Thanks to this question I am using the method combinations
like below:
val pairFlows = matchs.combinations(2).filter{ list =>
val f1 = list.head
val f2 = list.tail.head
f1.dl_type == f2.dl_type &&
f1.nw_dst == f2.nw_src &&
f1.nw_src == f2.nw_dst
My question is, Is this the most efficient way of performing this computation? Or would it be better to create a HashMap
in order to keep track of each src
, dst
and protocol type
Here is an example of the Data:
1: [
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 18,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1764,
"duration_sec": 6884,
"duration_nsec": 5000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 1,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 18,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1764,
"duration_sec": 1123,
"duration_nsec": 181000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 3,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 10,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 980,
"duration_sec": 1132,
"duration_nsec": 253000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 3,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 16,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1568,
"duration_sec": 1141,
"duration_nsec": 652000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 2,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 20,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1960,
"duration_sec": 6883,
"duration_nsec": 961000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:03",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 2,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 12,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1176,
"duration_sec": 6883,
"duration_nsec": 984000000,
"priority": 1,
"length": 120,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 2048,
"dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:03",
"nw_src": "",
"in_port": 1,
"nw_dst": ""
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 0,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 0,
"duration_sec": 9156,
"duration_nsec": 252000000,
"priority": 65535,
"length": 96,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {
"dl_type": 35020,
"dl_dst": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e"
"actions": [
"idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0,
"packet_count": 22,
"hard_timeout": 0,
"byte_count": 1260,
"duration_sec": 9156,
"duration_nsec": 268000000,
"priority": 0,
"length": 80,
"flags": 0,
"table_id": 0,
"match": {}
Here there are 8 flows, 3 of which are pairs.
I finally wrote the code to be O(n)
, I keep a Map
with key f.nw_src + f.nw_dst + f.dl_type
and value an Int
representing if that key has the corresponding pair flow (Which would be the one with key f.nw_dst + f.nw_src + f.dl_type
. Here is the final code:
val table = flows./:(Map.empty[String,Int]){ case (m,f) =>
val key = f.nw_src + f.nw_dst + f.dl_type
val inverseKey = f.nw_dst + f.nw_src + f.dl_type
val haspair = m get inverseKey match {
case Some(v) => v + 1
case None => 0
m + (key -> haspair)
val pairs = table.filter(_._2 > 0)
Hope this help someone looking for a similar question.