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Efficiently compare all combinations of two in a Scala collection

Working with OpenFlow I want to compute how many pairs of flows satisfy the following condition (Given any two flows, for example f1 and f2):

  • f1's Src ip must be equal to f2's Dst ip.
  • f1's Dst ip must be equal to f2's Src ip.
  • f1 and f2 must have the same protocol.

This I think would be a combination of two elements (NFlows Choose 2). Thanks to this question I am using the method combinations like below:

val pairFlows = matchs.combinations(2).filter{ list =>
  val f1 = list.head
  val f2 = list.tail.head

  f1.dl_type == f2.dl_type &&
  f1.nw_dst == f2.nw_src &&
  f1.nw_src == f2.nw_dst

My question is, Is this the most efficient way of performing this computation? Or would it be better to create a HashMap in order to keep track of each src, dst and protocol type?

Here is an example of the Data:

    1: [
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 18,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1764,
            "duration_sec": 6884,
            "duration_nsec": 5000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 1,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 18,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1764,
            "duration_sec": 1123,
            "duration_nsec": 181000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:02",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 3,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 10,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 980,
            "duration_sec": 1132,
            "duration_nsec": 253000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 3,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 16,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1568,
            "duration_sec": 1141,
            "duration_nsec": 652000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:01",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 2,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 20,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1960,
            "duration_sec": 6883,
            "duration_nsec": 961000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:03",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 2,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 12,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1176,
            "duration_sec": 6883,
            "duration_nsec": 984000000,
            "priority": 1,
            "length": 120,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 2048,
                "dl_dst": "00:00:00:00:00:03",
                "nw_src": "",
                "in_port": 1,
                "nw_dst": ""
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 0,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 0,
            "duration_sec": 9156,
            "duration_nsec": 252000000,
            "priority": 65535,
            "length": 96,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {
                "dl_type": 35020,
                "dl_dst": "01:80:c2:00:00:0e"
            "actions": [
            "idle_timeout": 0,
            "cookie": 0,
            "packet_count": 22,
            "hard_timeout": 0,
            "byte_count": 1260,
            "duration_sec": 9156,
            "duration_nsec": 268000000,
            "priority": 0,
            "length": 80,
            "flags": 0,
            "table_id": 0,
            "match": {}

Here there are 8 flows, 3 of which are pairs.


  • I finally wrote the code to be O(n), I keep a Map with key f.nw_src + f.nw_dst + f.dl_type and value an Int representing if that key has the corresponding pair flow (Which would be the one with key f.nw_dst + f.nw_src + f.dl_type. Here is the final code:

    val table =  flows./:(Map.empty[String,Int]){ case (m,f) =>
      val key = f.nw_src + f.nw_dst + f.dl_type
      val inverseKey = f.nw_dst + f.nw_src + f.dl_type
      val haspair = m get inverseKey match {
        case Some(v) => v + 1
        case None => 0
      m + (key -> haspair)
    val pairs = table.filter(_._2 > 0)

    Hope this help someone looking for a similar question.