Exactly what the title says: When I use this API in order to get my profile data using the GIT program, I do get some valid information in the beginning, but its extremely hard to read and is followed by a bunch of gibberish like:
I would like to know how to or where at least to start in order to take this information and make it readable, formatted, and usable.
I am the owner, and developer of XboxAPI. All data returned from XboxAPI is in JSON format. This means that depending on the programming language (most, if not all) you can parse JSON out to an object/array.
If you are using a linux or unix (mac os) system, then you can use cURL and pipe that into json_pp
or jsonpp
. This will format the JSON in a readable mannor. An example of this, with getting screenshots is as follows;
curl -H "X-AUTH: YOUR_AUTH_KEY_HERE" https://xboxapi.com/v2/2533274813081462/screenshots | json_pp
This will format the response into a readable format. Now if you are on windows, then I can't help you with that, however if you are willing to learn just a little PHP (very easy to learn the basics), then you can get all this information very very easily - cl.ly/3R0E090B0v1Q
(can't link as Stackoverflow thinks its a shortened link)
If you are just wanting to view the data in the browser, then I would recommend using Chrome, and the following plugin to make the data readable - https://github.com/callumlocke/json-formatter