I'm developing a webapp for a personal assistant. While a user is connected to the site, I want them to be able to subscribe to their personal notifications while they're online. I went about doing this with socketio and flask socketio and I thought that I could just use multithreading, like so:
def update_loop():
while my_update_condition:
if my_update_exists:
socketio.emit("update", my_update)
def get_updates(data):
'''Websocket thread for getting updates'''
socketio.emit("debug", {"value": "Starting update loop"})
update_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_loop)
But my code using this strategy gives any update to all users online. Using flask socketio, how can I securely implement a private chat? The data in the updates isn't ultra-sensitive, but, since it's notifications that the user sets, it's usually personal. Thanks.
Note: In my research on this I came upon something using a socketid
to send a message just to a specific sender, but I couldn't find an example implementation of this using flask-socketio.
The socketio.emit()
function broadcasts to all users by default. To address a message to a single user, you have to set the room to the desired user's room, which is named after the session id of the user. Here is an example:
def update_loop(sid):
while my_update_condition:
if my_update_exists:
socketio.emit("update", my_update, room=sid)
def get_updates(data):
'''Websocket thread for getting updates'''
socketio.emit("debug", {"value": "Starting update loop"})
update_thread = threading.Thread(target=update_loop, args=(request.sid,))