I set up an Winform-Application (in future it will be WPF) with the DotNetBrowserControl
BrowserView browserView = new
string remoteDebuggingUrl = m_BrowserView.Browser.GetRemoteDebuggingURL();
notice that remoteDebuggingUrl
is string.Empty
DotNetBrowserVersion/DotNetBrowserChromium - Version: .NetFramework: 4.5.2
thanks stuartd,
this is exactly what needs to be done.
But in fact I gathered out my fault.
see http://dotnetbrowser-support.teamdev.com/documentation/chromium-switches
here you see, that SetChromiumSwitches
takes whether a string, or a string params array
my switch string has been like this "--switchOne --switchTwo"
so it's only a string and not an array.
The problem in general is, that it worked like this in earlier days.
As I now switched to a string[]
it works fine