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Recording/Capture Currently Playing Audio

i want to capture/record currently playback audio in UWP or Windows Phone 8.1 any, same thing is done by "MEE dj" UWP app in its app, that app is ability to capture currently playing audio in the app. Anyone know about that share your answer please.


  • how to set input nodes playback music instead of mic

    Windows.Media.Audio namespace contains AudioDeviceInputNode,AudioDeviceOutputNode,AudioFileInputNode,AudioFileOutputNode and so on. Mic for input is AudioDeviceInputNode, but for play back music file you need to use AudioFileInputNode.

    OKay but how can i capture that audio and save it to storage

    For saving to storage as I said above, we need to use AudioFileOutputNode. Here is a simple demo, you can load a file for recording, and choose a file from storage for saving the recording result. Code as follows:

    XAML Code

    <StackPanel Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}" Padding="50">
        <TextBlock x:Name="txtresult" ></TextBlock>
        <Button x:Name="fileButton" Content="Load audio File for recording" Click="File_Click" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,20,0,0"/>
        <Button x:Name="OutpuyfileButton" Content="Load output File for save the recording result" Click="OutpuyfileButton_Click" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,20,0,0"/>
        <Button x:Name="graphButton" Content="Start playing" Click="Graph_Click" MinWidth="120" MinHeight="45" Margin="0,50,0,20"/>
        <Button x:Name="graphrecord" Content="Begin recording" Click="graphrecord_Click" ></Button>

    Code behind

      private AudioFileInputNode fileInput;
      private AudioFileOutputNode fileOutputNode;
      private AudioDeviceOutputNode deviceOutput;
      private AudioGraph graph;
      StorageFile outputfile;
      public MainPage()
      protected override async void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
          await CreateAudioGraph();
      private async Task CreateAudioGraph()
          // Create an AudioGraph with default settings
          AudioGraphSettings settings = new AudioGraphSettings(AudioRenderCategory.Media);
          CreateAudioGraphResult result = await AudioGraph.CreateAsync(settings);
          if (result.Status != AudioGraphCreationStatus.Success)
              // Cannot create graph
              await new MessageDialog(String.Format("AudioGraph Creation Error because {0}", result.Status.ToString())).ShowAsync();
          graph = result.Graph;
          // Create a device output node
          CreateAudioDeviceOutputNodeResult deviceOutputNodeResult = await graph.CreateDeviceOutputNodeAsync();
          if (deviceOutputNodeResult.Status != AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus.Success)
              // Cannot create device output node
            txtresult.Text+="\n"+ String.Format("Device Output unavailable because {0}", deviceOutputNodeResult.Status.ToString());
          deviceOutput = deviceOutputNodeResult.DeviceOutputNode;
          txtresult.Text += "\n" + "Device Output Node successfully created";
      private async void File_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          // If another file is already loaded into the FileInput node
          if (fileInput != null)
          FileOpenPicker filePicker = new FileOpenPicker();
          filePicker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.MusicLibrary;
          filePicker.ViewMode = PickerViewMode.Thumbnail;
          StorageFile file = await filePicker.PickSingleFileAsync();
          // File can be null if cancel is hit in the file picker
          if (file == null)
          CreateAudioFileInputNodeResult fileInputResult = await graph.CreateFileInputNodeAsync(file);
          if (AudioFileNodeCreationStatus.Success != fileInputResult.Status)
              // Cannot read input file
              await new MessageDialog(String.Format("Cannot read input file because {0}", fileInputResult.Status.ToString())).ShowAsync();
          fileInput = fileInputResult.FileInputNode;
          txtresult.Text += "\n" + "File load successfully,input nodes created";
      private void Graph_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          if (graphButton.Content.Equals("Start playing"))
              graphButton.IsEnabled = false;
      private async void OutpuyfileButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          FileSavePicker saveFilePicker = new FileSavePicker();
          saveFilePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Pulse Code Modulation", new List<string>() { ".wav" });
          saveFilePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Windows Media Audio", new List<string>() { ".wma" });
          saveFilePicker.FileTypeChoices.Add("MPEG Audio Layer-3", new List<string>() { ".mp3" });
          saveFilePicker.SuggestedFileName = "New Audio Track";
          outputfile = await saveFilePicker.PickSaveFileAsync();
          // File can be null if cancel is hit in the file picker
          if (outputfile == null)
          txtresult.Text +="\n"+ String.Format("Recording to {0}", outputfile.Name.ToString());
      private MediaEncodingProfile CreateMediaEncodingProfile(StorageFile file)
          switch (file.FileType.ToString().ToLowerInvariant())
              case ".wma":
                  return MediaEncodingProfile.CreateWma(AudioEncodingQuality.High);
              case ".mp3":
                  return MediaEncodingProfile.CreateMp3(AudioEncodingQuality.High);
              case ".wav":
                  return MediaEncodingProfile.CreateWav(AudioEncodingQuality.High);
                  throw new ArgumentException();
      private async void graphrecord_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
          if (graphrecord.Content.Equals("Begin recording"))
              MediaEncodingProfile fileProfile = CreateMediaEncodingProfile(outputfile);
              CreateAudioFileOutputNodeResult fileOutputNodeResult = await graph.CreateFileOutputNodeAsync(outputfile, fileProfile);
              if (fileOutputNodeResult.Status != AudioFileNodeCreationStatus.Success)
                  // FileOutputNode creation failed
                  await new MessageDialog(String.Format("Cannot create output file because {0}", fileOutputNodeResult.Status.ToString())).ShowAsync();
              fileOutputNode = fileOutputNodeResult.FileOutputNode;
              graphrecord.Content = "Stop recording";
              TranscodeFailureReason finalizeResult = await fileOutputNode.FinalizeAsync();
              if (finalizeResult != TranscodeFailureReason.None)
                  // Finalization of file failed. Check result code to see why
                  await new MessageDialog(String.Format("Finalization of file failed because {0}", finalizeResult.ToString())).ShowAsync();
              txtresult.Text += "\n" + "Recording completed";
              graphrecord.IsEnabled = false;

    For other complex features, please still reference the official sample.