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Spanning Trees with minimum number of leaves

So my problem is the following:

I have an undirected (complete) weighted graph G=(V,E), and I would like to generate all the possible spanning trees with minimum number of leaves, i.e. with minimum number of vertices of degree 1. Let's call this kind of trees MIN_LEAF.

Possibly, I would like to directly generate, among all trees with minimum number of leaves, the one which has also the minimum total weight (please note that this is not necessarily a minimum spanning tree). Is the problem of deciding if a tree T is a MIN_LEAF for a given graph G NP-complete?

If so, I wonder if some kind of heuristic algorithm exists (greedy or local search) which can at least give an approximate solution for this problem.

Thanks in advance.


  • The first problem you described - finding a spanning tree with the fewest number of leaves possible - is NP-hard. You can see this by reducing the Hamiltonian path problem to this problem: notice that a Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree of a graph and only has two leaf nodes, and that any spanning tree of a graph with exactly two leaf nodes must be a Hamiltonian path. That means that the NP-hard problem of determining whether a Hamiltonian path exists in a graph can be solved by finding the minimum-leaf spanning tree of the graph: the path exists if and only if the minimum-leaf spanning tree has exactly two leaves. The second problem you've described contains that first problem as a special case and therefore is going to also be NP-hard.

    A quick Google search turned up the paper "On finding spanning trees with few leaves", which seems like it might be a good starting point for approximation algorithms (they have a 2-approximation for arbitrary graphs) and further reading on the subject.