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$htmlOptions is not working in CHtml::dropDownList Yii

I have this implementation of CHtml:

<?=CHtml::dropDownList('id_sistema', $Proveedor[0]['id_sistema'],CHtml::listData(Sistemas::model()->findAll(),'sistema_id', 'sistema_nombre'),array('empty' => 'Selecciona un sistema...'),array('class'=>'form-control chosen-select'));?>

But is so weird that is not recognizing the 'form-control' css class. I have read several times the documentation and I can not find de issue.

I someone have any idea, I will appreciate it!


  • have you tried this one?

    <?=CHtml::dropDownList('id_sistema', $Proveedor[0]['id_sistema'],CHtml::listData(Sistemas::model()->findAll(),'sistema_id', 'sistema_nombre'),array('empty' => 'Selecciona un sistema...', 'class'=>'form-control chosen-select'));?>

    Html Options is on the 4th parameter of the dropDownList