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Issue with OneNote permissions

I'm trying to create a sample app which can get and post new pages from my one note account.

I'm following this guide:

I was correctly able to get the access token through the microsoft account, but every call to the OneNote apis fails with a 401 error.

I'm working in c# and using the HttpWebRequest to perform the calls.

My suspects are related to the permissions which I wasn't able to set:

How can I set those permissions?

Thanks everybody for your help.


  • Which Scopes are you setting? Scopes (or permissions) are ser via a query parameter when redirecting the user to the sign in page. For creating a page you'll need at least office.onenote_create.

    Depending on whether you're working on a webpage or a windows app, we have plenty of samples to look at.

    For client side (C#)

    For server side (we don't have. C# sample yet)