I have the following piece of code. It seems very simple it just loops over various combinations of ARMA models AR(1), MA(0) then AR(1) MA(2) and so on.
load.or.install <- function(package.names) {
is.installed <- function(mypkg) is.element(mypkg, installed.packages()[, 1])
for (package.name in package.names) {
if (!is.installed(package.name)) {
library(package.name, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
load.or.install(c("tseries", "forecast", "ggplot2", "dplyr", "magrittr", "rdatamarket"))
max.p <- 8 # maximum number of AR terms
max.q <- 7 # maximum number of MA terms
#import data
ausgdp <- as.ts(dmseries("http://data.is/1jDQwpr")[, 1]) %>% log() %>% diff(difference = 1)
model.orders <- as.matrix(expand.grid(AR = 0:max.p, DIF = 0, MA = 0:max.q))
models <- list()
1:nrow(model.orders) %>% {
models[[.]] <- Arima(ausgdp, order = model.orders[.,], include.constant = T, method = "ML")
however I get the following error msg.
Error in stats::arima(x = x, order = order, seasonal = seasonal, xreg = xreg, :
'order' must be a non-negative numeric vector of length 3
if I run the following command outside the loop it works;
Arima(ausgdp, order = model.orders[1,], include.constant = T, method = "ML")
once its in the loop with model.orders[.,]
it fails
Any help would be appreciated.
Note what happens when you run the following.
1:nrow(model.orders) %>% {length(.)}
You are actually passing all elements in 1:nrow(model.orders)
at once, not one by one.
Instead of subsetting model.orders
one row at a time and then passing it to order
, you are getting all rows in one go, prompting an error.
You can achieve your desired result using lapply
after the pipe.
models <- 1:nrow(model.orders) %>%
lapply(., function(row_n){
order = as.vector(model.orders[row_n, ]),
include.constant = T,
method = "ML")