I want to make a periodic processing by using Timeline ad lambda expression. I have tested the implementation (see below) on desktop, with success. But it does not work when I generate it for Android, through Eclipse and Install gradle task (Gluon + javafxports). The processing works all the time. Consequence: I think that is why there is no possibility to detect a tactile touchScreen on my phone during a test.
With the java code:
static long BDTapplication = 110; // in ms
static long nbBDT = 0;
static long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
public static void periodicProcessing() {
traceWithSystemTime("periodicProcessing / nbBDT: " + nbBDT);
public static void traceWithSystemTime(String comments) {
long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
long deltaT =t - t0;
System.out.println("time - t0: " + t0 + " / t: "+ t + " / detaT: " + deltaT + " ms --- " + comments);
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
primaryStage.setTitle("Hello World sur Android! -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>");
// Timeline and BDT - section with pb
Timeline traittBDTapplication = new Timeline(
new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(BDTapplication), ae ->periodicProcessing()));
// End of section pb
I/System.out(23475): time - t0: 1484454901468 / t: 1484454903224 / detaT: 1756 ms --- Fin du test
I/System.out(23475): time - t0: 1484454901468 / t: 1484454903226 / detaT: 1758 ms --- periodicProcessing / nbBDT: 1
I/System.out(23475): time - t0: 1484454901468 / t: 1484454903226 / detaT: 1758 ms --- periodicProcessing / nbBDT: 2
I/System.out(23475): time - t0: 1484454901468 / t: 1484454903226 / detaT: 1758 ms --- periodicProcessing / nbBDT: 3
I have tried other solutions like for avoiding to use the lambda expression, ...., results are the same: no periodic event is generated. But, in any case, these solutions work on desktop.
Question: how to write a periodic call by using JavaFx for Android smartphones?
As mentioned in the JavaDoc of the Timeline class, it is intended for animation, but does "it does not guarantee the timing when KeyFrame is processed". Excatly your issue.
Use either a java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService or at least a java.util.Timer for these kind of tasks.