I have a component that is using 'react-day-picker'
This component has a method called handleDayClick
handleDayClick(e, day, {disabled}) {
if (disabled) {
// Do not update the state if the day is disabled
this.setState({ selectedDay: day });
It is then passed to the as the onDayClick prop:
onDayClick={ this.handleDayClick.bind(this) }
selectedDays={ day => DateUtils.isSameDay(day, this.state.selectedDay) }
disabledDays={ isWeekend }
Now I would like to write a test that simulates a click event on a date to see if it triggers the correct method:
it('DayPicker should call handleDayClick on click', () => {
const sidebar = mount(<Sidebar />);
let spy = sinon.spy(sidebar.instance(), 'handleDayClick');
The problem with this is that the .simulate() does not recognize 'dayClick'
. I get the following error in the console:
TypeError: ReactWrapper::simulate() event 'dayClick' does not exist
If I try to simulate 'click'
instead, the spy returns false
(so the method is never called).
What am I doing wrong?
Simulate only supports events that React understands
This is why you're getting your error on dayClick.
To simulate the click you should dive into react-day-picker and find out what DOM element the onClick prop eventually gets assigned to. Then simulate the click on that.
Edit - This is the component that contains the DOM node that gets the click handler
You should look to simulate the test on the <div>
inside the Day